home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!uwm.edu!alpha2.csd.uwm.edu!yanoff
- From: yanoff@alpha2.csd.uwm.edu (Scott A. Yanoff)
- Newsgroups: alt.internet.services,comp.misc,biz.comp.services,alt.bbs.internet,news.answers,comp.answers,alt.answers
- Subject: Updated Internet Services List
- Followup-To: poster
- Date: 17 Jul 1995 01:45:05 GMT
- Organization: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, WI
- Lines: 1645
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Expires: 8/10/95
- Message-ID: <3ucfb1$fuv@uwm.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.internet.services:56366 comp.misc:31370 biz.comp.services:9236 alt.bbs.internet:33588 news.answers:48559 comp.answers:13115 alt.answers:10666
- Archive-name: internet-services/list
- * SPECIAL INTERNET CONNECTIONS: Last Update: 7/16/95 *
- * Compiled By: Scott Yanoff - yanoff@alpha2.csd.uwm.edu *
- * A + by an entry designates new entries/changes since last update *
- * Type "finger yanoff@alpha2.csd.uwm.edu" to find ways to receive this list!
- *AGRICULTURE------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Agricultural Info., telnet/gopher psupen.psu.edu or telnet
- Family Issues, PENpages (Login: Enter your two-letter state abbrev.)
- Food & Nutrition. telnet caticsuf.csufresno.edu or telnet
- CSU Fresno ATI-NET (Login: super)
- telnet eureka.clemson.edu or telnet
- CUFAN (Clemson U Forestry & Ag. Net.) (Login: PUBLIC)
- telnet empire.cce.cornell.edu or telnet
- CENET (Cornell Extension NETwork) (Login: guest)
- gopher cesgopher.ag.uiuc.edu (See Also: Flood)
- gopher gopher.nalusda.gov
- National Agricultural Library of the USDA.
- gopher probe.nalusda.gov
- Agricultural Genome World Wide Web Server
- http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group3/agri.html
- Agricultural Index
- http://aruba.nysaes.cornell.edu:8000/biosci.htm
- Agriculture/Biosciences Information Sources
- offers: Agricultural info (livestock reports, current market prices, etc.)
- -Agriculture Gophers gopher usda.mannlib.cornell.edu [USDA Econ & Stats]
- gopher esusda.gov [USDA Extension Service]
- gopher s27w007.pswfs.gov [Forest Tree Genome Map DB]
- -Agriculture Lists ftp ftp.sura.net (get file pub/nic/agricultural.list)
- -Almanac mail servers mail almanac@esusda.gov or mail almanac@ecn.purdue.edu
- mail almanac@oes.orst.edu or mail almanac@ces.ncsu.edu
- mail almanac@silo.ucdavis.edu or almanac@joe.uwex.edu
- mail almanac@empire.cce.cornell.edu
- mail almanac@acenet.auburn.edu
- offers: Each offers different USDA market news and articles.
- In body of letter: send guide Other cmds: send catalog, send help haylist
- -GIEWS gopher gopher.cgnet.com 2070
- offers: Access to food outlook for world, foodcrops, shortages, alerts.
- -GRIN gopher gopher.ars-grin.gov
- offers: Germplasm info about plants, animals, microbes, and insects.
- -Master Gardener http://leviathan.tamu.edu:70/1s/mg
- offers: How to care for vegetable crops, flowering plants, trees & shrubs.
- -NetVet gopher netvet.wustl.edu or http://netvet.wustl.edu/
- offers: Veterinary and animal information and archives.
- -Sustainable Agri. gopher calypso.oit.unc.edu
- Select: Worlds of SunSITE -- by Subject | Sustainable Agriculture Info.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Almanac of Events finger copi@oddjob.uchicago.edu
- http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/M/on-this-day
- offers: Daily list of events and b-days in history, and sports schedules.
- -Archeology telnet cast.uark.edu or telnet
- offers: National Arch. Database information management system. (Login: nadb)
- http://www.usc.edu/dept/raiders/
- offers: Robotic Tele-Excavation at USC (Mercury Project)
- -Art gopher gohper.wwa.com [Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archives]
- offers: ASCII art links, ASCII art FAQ and reference.
- http://www.yahoo.com/yahoo/Art/ [Art Index]
- gopher twinbrook.cis.uab.edu
- offers: The ASCII Bazaar. Select: The Continuum | The ASCII Art Bazaar
- http://www.art.net/Links/artref.html#organizations
- http://cybersight.com/cgi-bin/cs/s?main.gmml [CyberNet]
- gopher cs4sun.cs.ttu.edu (Select: Art & Images)
- offers: Links to thousands of animations, clip art, and images.
- gopher unix5.nysed.gov (K-12 | Arts... | Gallery)
- offers: Works of art arranged by artist.
- gopher olt.et.tudelft.nl 1251 [Digital Pict. Archive]
- offers: ASCII Clip art, access to all kinds of art sites.
- gopher gopher.panix.com
- offers: New York Art Line collection of art and art resources.
- -Astronomy http://marvel.stsci.edu/net-resources.html [AstroWeb]
- offers: Pointers to relevant resources available on Astronomy.
- http://www.eia.brad.ac.uk/btl/sg.html
- offers: Guide to Stars and Galaxies, converted from CD-ROM
- http://zebu.uoregon.edu/text.html
- offers: Astronomy HyperText Book, hyperlinks to astronomy lessons.
- http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/CDS.html
- offers: Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center and databases.
- http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/StarTrax/Browse.html
- offers: Access all kinds of satellites, observatories, and telescopes.
- http://guinan.gsfc.nasa.gov/
- offers: WebStars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace
- *AVIATION---------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Avion Newspaper http://avion.db.erau.edu/
- The 1st online Aviation/Aerospace paper, includes pics, stories & graphics.
- -Aviation Gophers/Web gopher av.eecs.nwu.edu
- gopher gopher.unomaha.edu (Select UNO Student Org...)
- gopher gopher.db.erau.edu (Select: Aerospace/Aviation)
- gopher gasnet.med.nyu.edu (Select: Aviation/)
- http://aviation.jsc.nasa.gov
- http://acro.harvard.edu/GA/ga_info.html
- http://www.math.ethz.ch/~zari/zari.html [European]
- http://usis.com/~rcecil/ [Aviation Digest]
- http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/rec/air/air.html
- offers: Acts as a repository for things on rec.aviation. (pics, stories...)
- -Avi. Weather Reports gopher geograf1.sbs.ohio-state.edu and select: Aviation
- -DUATS telnet duat.gtefsd.com or telnet
- offers: Aviation weather, flight planning. (Login: <last name>)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *BIOLOGY----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Biology Gophers/WWW gopher fragrans.riken.go.jp [Bio. Culture Collections]
- gopher dna.cedb.uwf.edu [Bioinformics Resources]
- gopher gopher.gdb.org [Computational Biology]
- gopher golgi.harvard.edu
- gopher muse.bio.cornell.edu [Biodiversity and Biology]
- gopher biodiversity.ups.edu [Biodiversity Gopher]
- http://expasy.hcuge.ch/ [Molecular Biology Server]
- http://www.gdb.org/hopkins.html [Bio-Informatics Page]
- http://arnica.csustan.edu/ [CSU BioWeb]
- [Dictionary of Cell Biology]
- http://gc.bcm.tmc.edu:8088/bio/bio_home.html
- http://www.gene.com:80/ae/ [Access Excellence]
- http://info.er.usgs.gov/network/science/biology/index.html
- -Biological Services mail grail@ornl.gov ("help" in body of message)
- offers: Service predicting intron-exon splice sites in vertebrate genes.
- telnet atcc.nih.gov or telnet
- offers: American Type Culture Collection (Login: search Password: common)
- gopher life.anu.edu.au
- offers: Access to lots of biological sciences information.
- -Frog Dissection http://george.lbl.gov/ITG.hm.pg.docs/dissect/info.html
- http://curry.edschool.Virginia.edu:80/~insttech/frog/
- offers: Images of frog from various views and stages of dissection.
- -Genetics Banks mail gene-server@bchs.uh.edu
- mail retrieve@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- mail blast@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ("help" in body of message)
- mail genmark@ford.gatech.edu
- mail blocks@howard.fhcrc.org
- mail cbrg@inf.ethz.ch ("help" in body of message)
- mail QUICK@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
- mail NETSERV@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE
- Subject: help offers: genetic database/nucleic acid/protein sequence.
- -Genomic Databases http://www.informatics.jax.org/
- offers: Genomic Database of the Mouse. (Login: guest)
- gopher gopher.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk or gopher
- gopher una.hh.lib.umich.edu (Sci.| Life...|Genetics...)
- gopher pdb.pdb.bnl.gov
- -Molecular Modeling http://www.nih.gov/molecular_modeling/mmhome.html
- offers: Molecules R Us - interactive interface to view molecular data.
- -Museum of Nat. Hist gopher gopher.peabody.yale.edu
- offers: Museum of biodiversity and biological information.
- http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ [London]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *BOTANY-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Botanical Gardens gopher gopher.mobot.org [Missouri Botanical Garden]
- http://indri.cns.udel.edu/udgarden.html
- -Botany Databases gopher smithson.si.edu (Select: Botany...)
- gopher kaos.erin.gov.au (Select: Biodiversity)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *BUSINESS/ECONOMICS/FINANCIAL-------------------------------------------------
- -Business Resources gopher gopher.nijenrode.nl (Select: Business Resources)
- -Canadian Business http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/u/nckwan/index.html
- gopher cban.worldgate.edmonton.ab.ca [Business Pages]
- http://cibd.com/cibd [Canadian Internet Biz Directory]
- -Currency Exchange gopher caticsuf.csufresno.edu
- offers: Currency Exchange Rates. Select: ATLS | Daily Exchange Rates
- -ECHO telnet echo.lu or telnet
- offers: European Commission Host Org., free databases! (Login: echo)
- -Economic BBS telnet ebb.stat-usa.gov or telnet
- gopher una.hh.lib.umich.edu (socsci | Econ | Dept...)
- offers: Interest rates, foreign exchange rates, price indices, stats.
- -Economics Gophers gopher gopher.lib.umich.edu
- Choose: Social Sciences Resources | Economics
- gopher niord.shsu.edu (Choose: Economics)
- gopher wuecon.wustl.edu 671
- gopher ecix.doc.gov [US Commerce Department]
- -Economics Resources http://econwpa.wustl.edu/EconFAQ/EconFAQ.html
- -Enterprise Develop. http://www.fed.org/fed/
- offers: Equity compensation, employee involvement, business strategies.
- -Entrepreneurs WWW http://sashimi.wwa.com/~notime/eotw/EOTW.html
- offers: A place where entrepreneurs can find useful business information.
- -FINWeb http://riskweb.bus.utexas.edu/finweb.html
- offers: Financial economics WWW servers.
- -Internet Biz Center http://www.tig.com/IBC/index.html
- offers: WWW for information specifically related to biz use of the 'net.
- +Int'l Trade Info. telnet itis.bus.utexas.edu
- (Login: bulk1 Password: tradeinfo)
- -IRS http://www.ustreas.gov/treasury/bureaus/irs/irs.html
- offers: Tax FAQs, forms and instructions, where to file.
- -Mutual Funds http://www.ai.mit.edu/stocks/mf.html [Charts]
- http://networth.galt.com/www/home/nav/netnav.htm
- offers: Free Mutual Fund quotations direct from NASDAQ
- http://networth.galt.com/www/home/mutual/mutualmn.htm
- offers: The Mutual Fund Market Manager
- -Patent Searching http://sunsite.unc.edu/patents/intropat.html
- -Personal Finance http://nearnet.gnn.com/gnn/meta/finance/
- -Small Business Admin gopher www.sbaonline.sba.gov
- offers: Small Business Administration programs, services, and lists.
- -Stock Market Reports telnet a2i.rahul.net or telnet
- offers: Select n, "Menu: Current Info", then "Market Report" (Login: guest)
- http://www.secapl.com/cgi-bin/qs [Quote Server]
- http://www.ai.mit.edu/stocks.html [Experimental Data]
- mail Martin.Wong@eng.sun.com to receive daily quotes
- -Vienna Stock Exchange telnet fiivs01.tu-graz.ac.at (Login: BOERSE)
- -Stock Market Simul. telnet castor.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de (Logn: games)
- telnet mammon.media.mit.edu 10900
- -Wall Street News http://Wall-Street-News.com/forecasts/index.html
- -WAYS Biz Magazine http://www.cyberplex.com/CyberPlex/WaysMag.html
- offers: Info. about profitable business methods for the technology age.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Career Centers Online gopher occ.com or http://www.occ.com/occ/
- mail occ-info@mail.msen.com
- offers: Jobs database, resume listing service, search by location/keyword
- H.E.A.R.T. telnet career.com or telnet
- offers: Search for jobs by company, position, or state.
- MedSearch gopher gopher.medsearch.com 9001
- offers: Free access to articles, free resume uploading, employer profiles.
- APS gopher aps.acad-phy-sci.com [Acad. Physic. & Scientist]
- http://www.careermag.com/careermag/ [Career Magazine]
- http://www.careermosaic.com/cm/ [Career Mosaic]
- http://www.cweb.com/ [Career Web]
- http://www.espan.com/ [Interactive Employment Network]
- http://www.intellimatch.com/intellimatch/ojc.html
- http://www.ct-jobs.com/pascale/ [Job Postings]
- http://www.jobtrak.com/ [JobTrak]
- http://www.onramp.net/ron/ [Recruiters OnLine NetWork]
- http://rescomp.stanford.edu/jobs.html
- http://galaxy.einet.net/GJ/employment.html
- http://www.io.org/~jwsmith/listing.html
- gopher gopher.nationjob.com [NationJob Network]
- http://www.jobweb.com/ [The Job Board]
- http://www.wpi.edu/~mfriley/jobguide.html
- http://www.micromedia.co.uk/ten/default.htm
- telnet dice.com or telnet
- -CARL telnet pac.carl.org or
- offers: Online database, book reviews, magazine fax delivery service.
- *CHEMISTRY--------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Chemistry gopher acsinfo.acs.org [American Chemical Society]
- http://www.chem.ucla.edu/chempointers.html
- offers: Virtual Library of Chemistry
- http://rpinfo.its.rpi.edu:80/dept/chem/cheminfo/chemres.html
- http://www.latrobe.edu.au/chejs/chem.html [WebChemstry]
- -Periodic Table telnet camms2.caos.kun.nl 2034 or 2034
- offers: electronic periodic table of elements.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *COLLEGE PREP-----------------------------------------------------------------
- -College Prep Page http://www.tpoint.net/~jewels/college.html
- offers: Collection of resources for planning your education.
- -Princeton Review gopher www.review.com or http://www.review.com/
- offers: Resource on test preparation, admissions info, school profiles.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Communication http://www.uark.edu/depts/comminfo/www/ACA.html
- offers: American Communication Association.
- gopher cios.llc.rpi.edu [ComServe Gopher]
- *COMPUTERS--------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Amiga User Area gopher gopher.unomaha.edu (Select UNO Student Org...)
- offers: Lots of useful information for Amiga owners.
- -Cyberspace Tools http://pimpf.earthlink.net/~eburrow/tools.shtml
- offers: Links to great WWW and telnet software for multiple platforms.
- -Internet Goodies http://www.ensta.fr/internet/internet.html
- -Macintosh telnet amdalinz.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at or
- offers: Austrian Mac group. UserID/Password (hit return).
- http://rever.nmsu.edu/~elharo/faq/Macintosh.html
- offes: The Well-Connected Mac Server
- -PC http://ici.proper.com/1/pc [PC Index]
- http://www.ziff.com/~pcmag/ [PC Magazine]
- http://power.globalnews.com/ppchome.htm [Power PC News]
- offers: Extensive info that relates to the personal computer.
- -Programming http://www.iftech.com/iti/itioltc.htm [C/C++ Tutorials]
- -Shareware Search http://www.fagg.uni-lj.si/SHASE
- offers: Search and download nearly 40,000 programs
- +Software Exchange http://www.hyperion.com/usox/
- offers: Buy and sell used software for almost any platform.
- -Unix Reference Desk http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/unix.html
- -Windows Archives http://coyote.csusm.edu/cwis/winworld/winworld.html
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -AT&T 800 Number Dir. http://att.net/dir800
- -ALLDATA gopher or http://www.alldata.tsb.com/
- offers: Car recall and technical service bulletins
- -Catalog Mart gopher catalog.savvy.com or http://catalog.savvy.com/
- offers: 10,000 catalogs you can order FREE, covering over 800 topics.
- -Classified Ads http://www.imall.com/ads/ads.shtml
- http://ep.com/
- offers: Posting and browsing ads for free.
- -Consumer News/Info http://www.gsa.gov/ [Consumer Information Center]
- -Commerc. Sites Index http://www.directory.net/
- -Internet Mall finger taylor@netcom.com /ftp ftp.netcom.com/pub
- offers: List of commercial products online, from CDs to Sunglasses.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Criminal Justice gopher ncjrs.aspensys.com 71
- offers: National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
- -Dance Resources http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/summer94/group4/dance.html
- -DataBase Via Finger finger help@dir.su.oz.au
- offers: Query databases, find newsgroups, access archie, etc., via finger.
- -Dictionary Servers gopher wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk
- mail wsmith@wordsmith.org (w/ subject: help)
- mail infobot@infomania.com (with subject: #HELP)
- offers: Dictionary/Spelling service. Type "HELP" for info. (ALL CAPS!)
- *EDUCATION/TEACHING/LEARNING--------------------------------------------------
- -Celebrity Lectures gopher web.msu.edu (Select: About MSU | MSU Celeb..)
- -Child/Family Network http://www.efn.org/~cfinn/
- -Dewey School of Ed http://ics.soe.umich.edu/
- offers: Facilitates communications among students worldwide.
- -Distance Ed. Dbase telnet ndlc.occ.uky.edu or (Login: ndlc)
- telnet acsvax.open.ac.uk or telnet
- (Username: ICDL Account Code: usa Password: aaa)
- -Education Gophers gopher schoolnet.carleton.ca [Canadas SchoolNet]
- gopher gopher.ed.gov [U.S. Dept. of Education]
- gopher chronicle.merit.edu [Chronicle of Higher Edu.]
- gopher gaia.sci-ed.fit.edu [Florida Tech Edu. Gopher]
- gopher informns.k12.mn.us [Internet for Minn. Schools]
- gopher goldmine.cde.ca.gov [California Dept. of Edu.]
- gopher gopher.ed.uiuc.edu [UIUC: College of Education]
- gopher shiva.educ.kent.edu [Deaf Education Resources]
- gopher info.asu.edu (ASU-CWI | Col. of Ed | Other...)
- Empire Schoolhouse gopher nysernet.org or gopher
- offers: K-12 resources, discussion groups, etc. (Also see: Econ. BBS)
- -FEDIX/MOLIS/HERO telnet fedix.fie.com or telnet
- offers: info. on scholarships, minority assistance, etc.
- -IKE gopher/http ike.engr.washington.edu
- offers: IBM Kiosk for Education User Discussion Forums.
- -Instuct. Development gopher ids.cwis.uci.edu 7029
- offers: Over 200 teaching tips as well as pointers to other resources.
- -Internat'l Ed. BBS telnet nis.calstate.edu or telnet
- offers: Program listings, resources, government information. (Login: intl)
- -Internet Public Lib. http://ipl.sils.umich.edu/
- -K-12 Outpost gopher k12.cnidr.org or gopher
- offers: Collection of what's out there for K-12.
- -K-12 Resources http://edu-52.sfsu.edu/dit_home.html
- http://www.tc.cornell.edu/Kids.on.Campus/KOC94/
- http://edweb.cnidr.org:90/ [EdWeb K12 Resource Guide]
- http://gsn.org/ [Global SchoolNet Foundation]
- http://www.electriciti.com:80/~rlakin/ [Teachers Info]
- http://www.manymedia.com/show-n-tell/ [Show-n-Tell]
- http://web66.coled.umn.edu/ [Web 66]
- offers: Help K12 educators learn how to set up their own WWW pages
- -KidLink Gopher telnet kids.ccit.duq.edu or telnet
- offers: Telecomm. project aimed at 10-15 year olds. (Login: gopher)
- -KidsCom http://www.spectracom.com/kidscom/
- offers: A communications playground for kids ages 8-12.
- -Learning Link telnet sierra.fwl.edu / (Logn/pwd:newuser)
- telnet (Login: slonc Password: guest)
- offers: Electronic info. & communication service for educators.
- -MathMagic! http://forum.swarthmore.edu/mathmagic/what.html
- offers: problem-solving project w/ teams of students "talking" about math
- -MicroMUSE telnet michael.ai.mit.edu or telnet
- MariMUSE telnet pc2.pc.maricopa.edu 4228 or 4228
- offers: Educational Multi-User Simulated Environments. (Login: guest).
- -Nanaimo SchoolsNET telnet crc.sd68.nanaimo.bc.ca or telnet
- offers: Education-based BBS (Login: GUEST)
- -Nat'l Education BBS telnet nebbs.nersc.gov or telnet
- offers: A limited-access system for NESP educators. (Login: new)
- -Newton telnet newton.dep.anl.gov or telnet
- offers: BBS for those teaching/studying sci., CS, math. (Login: bbs)
- -Plugged In http://www.pluggedin.org/
- offers: educational opportunities to children from low-income communities.
- -QUERRI telnet exnet.iastate.edu or telnet
- offers: Questions on Univ. Extension. Regional Research Info(Login: querri)
- -Schools via WWW http://toons.cc.ndsu.nodak.edu/~sackmann/k12.html
- http://hillside.coled.umn.edu/others.html [Map]
- -Teaching & Learning http://tecfa.unige.ch/edu-ws94/ws.html
- gopher access_eric.aspensys.com 74
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Environmental Servers gopher gopher.econet.apc.org
- gopher nceet.snre.umich.edu or telnet
- gopher envirolink.org or http://envirolink.org/
- offers: Info. on current environment concerns, voting records, non-profits.
- http://ftp.clearlake.ibm.com/ERC/HomePage.html
- +http://www.igc.apc.org/nrdc/ [Nat'l Resources Defense]
- http://ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu/Environment.html
- offers: Virtual Library of Environmental Information
- -Fax via Internet mail tpc-faq@town.hall.org (FREE fax to ltd. locations)
- ?mail info@awa.com ("HELP" in body of message)
- -Finger via Telnet telnet site 79 (example: telnet alpha2.csd.uwm.edu 79)
- "site" is the place you are fingering. Once connected, type the username.
- via Mail mail infobot@infomania.com with subject: #HELP
- *FTP--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Archie telnet archie.sura.net or [USA [MD]]
- telnet archie.unl.edu or [USA [NE]]
- telnet archie.ans.net or [USA [NY]]
- telnet archie.rutgers.edu or [USA [NJ]]
- offers: Searches all ftp sites for any program you want. (Login: archie)
- Recommended get client from: ftp ftp.cs.mcgill.ca (cd /pub/archie/clients)
- -Archie Mail Servers mail archie@<INSERT ONE OF ABOVE ADDRESSES HERE>
- Subject: help offers: alterative Archie access to those w/o ftp or telnet.
- -FTP via EMail mail ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com or ftpmail@cs.uow.edu.au
- mail bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu or ftpmail@lth.se
- mail bitftp@dearn or to bitftp@vm.gmd.de (Europe only)
- mail ftpmail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
- mail ftpmail@grasp.insa-lyon.fr or ftpmail@ieunet.ie
- mail bitftp@plearn.edu.pl or bitftp@plearn (Europe)
- mail ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk or ftpmail@sunsite.unc.edu
- Body-of-letter: help or ftplist for a list of anon. ftp sites.
- -FTP Sites/Archives ftp ftp.ocf.berkeley.edu or ftp
- offers: cd /pub/Library for great lib. of docs, bible, lyrics, etc.
- ftp wuarchive.wustl.edu or ftp sunset.cse.nau.edu
- offers: Gifs, Sights, & Sounds!
- ftp ftp.uu.net or ftp rtfm.mit.edu
- offers: You name it, it's here! (Archives, FAQs, how-to's, etc.)
- ftp archive.umich.edu or sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- offers: Software for MS-Dos computers, Mac, Amiga, Apple2, Apollo...
- ftp oak.oakland.edu
- offers: A huge software archive for PCs and UNIX.
- ftp ftp.sura.net (/pub/nic) or ftp quartz.rutgers.edu
- offers: How-to's about internet (email, ftp, telnet, etc.) (/pub/internet)
- ftp quartz.rutgers.edu or ftp cathouse.org
- offers: All the text/humor files you'd want (tv, sex..) cd pub/humor
- -Recommended get NcFTP client from: cse.unl.edu (cd /pub/mgleason/ncftp)
- -FTP via Telnet telnet grind.isca.uiowa.edu or telnet
- offers: Access UIowa's huge FTP site via telnet!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *GAMES/FUN/CHAT/HUMOR---------------------------------------------------------
- -Backgammon Servers telnet fraggel65.mdstud.chalmers.se 4321 (Login: guest)
- -Bolo Tracker telnet gwis.circ.gwu.edu 50000 or 50000
- offers: Location of current bolo games.
- -Build-A-Card http://holodeck.infopages.com/card/
- -Chat Clients ftp ftp.santafe.edu (4M Chat Service: /pub/SIG/4m)
- ftp cs-ftp.bu.edu (cd /irc/clients ICB: cd /irc/icb)
- Get chat client program from ftp sites, compile program (make) and execute.
- -Chat Servers - IRC telnet exuokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu 6677 or
- telnet wildcat.ecn.uoknor.edu 6677
- telnet wildcat.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766
- telnet skywarrior.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766
- telnet skyhawk.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766
- telnet skyraider.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766
- telnet intruder.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766
- telnet caen.fr.eu.undernet.org 6677 or
- telnet caen.fr.eu.undernet.org 7766 (For dumb terminal)
- telnet obelix.wu-wien.ac.at 6996 or 6996
- telnet irc.tuzvo.sk 6668 or telnet 6668
- telnet irc.nsysu.edu.tw (Login: irc)
- TRY compiling own client rather than using these. (See above) (Login: irc)
- -Chat Services telnet english-server.hss.cmu.edu
- telnet explorer.clark.net 1420
- Virtual Cafe telnet simpsons.acs.nmu.edu 1420
- Somewhere Else telnet 2010
- FootHills telnet toybox.infomagic.com 2010 or 2010
- Underworld telnet dismayl.demon.co.uk 2010 or 2010
- The Coffee House telnet 2525
- Olohof's BBS telnet morra.et.tudelft.nl 2993 or 2993
- Clover Gardens telnet 3000
- DS9 telnet 3000
- Forest telnet ftoomsh.socs.uts.edu.au 3000 or 3000
- Surfers telnet 3232
- Mansion II telnet 4000
- Elec. Night Club telnet 4001 (Evenings Only)
- Vineyard telnet end2.bedrock.com 4242 or 4242
- Theatre telnet acad.stedwards.edu 4444
- Club House telnet 5000
- CyberEden telnet 5000
- Multiple Worlds telnet lintilla.df.lth.se 5000 or telnet
- telnet islandnet.com 7000 or 7000
- Dragon's Lair 7777
- Davenport Beach telnet 7777
- The Tower telnet tower.press.southern.edu 8008 or
- Greenfield telnet mary.iia.org 12345 or 12345
- Gwynedd telnet mathlab.sunysb.edu 12345
- -Chess Servers telnet anemone.daimi.aau.dk 5000 or 5000
- telnet dds.hacktic.nl 5000 or telnet 5000
- telnet lux.latrobe.edu.au 5000 or 5000
- telnet iris4.metiu.ucsb.edu 5000 or 5000
- telnet coot.lcs.mit.edu 5000 or telnet 5000
- telnet ics.onenet.net 5000 or 5000
- telnet chess.unix-ag.uni-kl.de 5000
- -Chinese Chess telnet coolidge.harvard.edu 5555 or 5555
- telnet hippolytos.ud.chalmers.se 5555 or
- -Comics on the Web http://www.yahoo.com/yahoo/Entertainment/Comics/
- http://www.phlab.missouri.edu/HOMES/c617145_www/comix.html
- -Crossword Server telnet next7.cas.muohio.edu 8888 or 8888
- telnet eel.st.usm.edu 7777 or 7777
- http://iquest.com/~pinnacle/index.html [Daily Crosswrd]
- offers: Internet server devoted to crossword games such as Scrabble.
- -Diplomacy mail brad@cfar.umd.edu w/subj "openings list" for list
- offers: Lists openings in email games of Avalon Hill's Diplomacy.
- -Fingers for Fun finger info or drink or graph@drink.csh.rit.edu
- finger coke@cs.cmu.edu or finger coke@xcf.berkeley.edu
- finger pepsi or cocacola@columbia.edu
- finger coke@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
- offers: Status of drink and candy machines for fun.
- finger cyndiw@magnus1.com or cyndiw@
- offers: Weekly Trivia
- -Games Domain http://wcl-rs.bham.ac.uk/GamesDomain
- offers: FAQs, walk-throughs, magazines, reviews, and FTP sites.
- -Game Server telnet herx1.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de
- offers: Tetris, Moria, Nethack, MUDs, Text Adventures, etc. (Login: games)
- -GO Server telnet igs.nuri.net 6969
- -Humor Archives http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~nathan/humor.html
- +Multi-Trek telnet mtrek.internex.net 2112
- telnet hal-alt.hal.com 2112
- telnet mtrek.omega.com 2112
- -Othello/Reversi telnet faust.uni-paderborn.de 5000 or
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Generation X http:/www.spectracom.com/yazone/
- offers: Popular culture, music, fads, wordwall, and relevant conversation.
- -A. Wegener Institute http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/
- offers: Polar and Marine Research info, including ozone info.
- -Ask-A-Geologist mail ask-a-geologist@octopus.wr.usgs.gov
- offers: Mail the geologist of the day who will reply to within a day or 2
- -Earthquake Info. finger spyder@dmc.iris.washington.edu [WORLD]
- finger quake@gldfs.cr.usgs.gov [UNITED STATES]
- finger quake@seismo.emr.ca [CANADA]
- finger quake@geophys.washington.edu [Wash., Oregon]
- finger quake@fm.gi.alaska.edu [Alaska]
- finger quake@scec.gps.caltech.edu [Southern Calif.]
- finger quake@slueas.slu.edu [Eastern MO & Southern IL]
- finger quake@seismo.unr.edu [Nevada and Eastern CA]
- finger quake@andreas.wr.usgs.gov [Northern California]
- finger quake@eqinfo.seis.utah.edu [Utah, Wyo., Montana]
- finger quake@tako.wr.usgs.gov [Hawaii]
- telnet geophys.washington.edu (Login/password: quake)
- telnet bison.cc.buffalo.edu (select INDX 4 Bib. server)
- offers: Recent quake info (location, time, magnitude, etc.)
- -Geographic Server telnet martini.eecs.umich.edu 3000 or 3000
- offers: Info by city or area code (Population, Lat./Long., Elevation, etc).
- -Geological Gopher gopher info.er.usgs.gov
- offers: US Geological Survey Gopher
- -Global Land Info Sys telnet glis.cr.usgs.gov or telnet
- offers:Land use maps of U.S., graphs/data of geological info (Login: guest)
- -US Geo. Survey http://info.er.usgs.gov/USGSHome.html
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *GOPHER-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Gopher Sites telnet consultant.micro.umn.edu or telnet
- telnet infoslug.ucsc.edu or [INFOSLUG]
- telnet infopath.ucsd.edu (Login: infopath)
- offers: Telnet-able access to the great gopher tool. (Login: gopher)
- Recommended get client from: ftp boombox.micro.umn.edu (cd /pub/gopher)
- -Gopher Greats gopher english-server.hss.cmu.edu
- offers: Most comprehensive gopher I've seen so far, it gets its own entry!
- -GopherMail mail gophermail@ncc.go.jp or gophermail@calvin.edu
- mail gopher@solaris.ims.ac.jp or mail gopher@earn.net
- offers: Email access to gopher for those with mail-only access to Internet
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *GOVERNMENT/POLITICS----------------------------------------------------------
- -ACE mail info@ace.esusda.gov w/ "send help" in body of msg
- gopher ace.esusda.gov and Choose: Americans Comm...
- offers: Americans Communicating Electronically. (Gov't documents)
- -Air Pollution BBS telnet ttnbbs.rtpnc.epa.gov or telnet
- offers: Various BBS' that cover a wide range of Air Pollution information
- -American Politics gopher toby.scott.nwu.edu
- offers: Campaigns, speeches, state info, branch info, political parties.
- -Census Information gopher gopher.census.gov
- offers: Access to U.S. government's census information.
- -Clinton Watch gopher dolphin.gulf.net 3000
- offers: Info. on Clinton's policies and scandals.
- -Congress Email/FTP mail congress@hr.house.gov and ftp ftp.senate.gov
- gopher gopher.house.gov
- -C-SPAN Gopher gopher c-span.org
- offers: Great political, educational, and historical information.
- -DOSFAN gopher dosfan.lib.uic.edu
- offers: US Dept. of State Foreign Affairs Network
- -Federal GPO BBS telnet federal.bbs.gpo.gov 3001 or 3001
- offers: BBS with lots of gov't and congressional files.
- tn3270 pucc.princeton.edu
- Tab to COMMAND field, enter "folio", enter "select", enter item # for GPO
- -FedWorld Gateway telnet fedworld.doc.gov or telnet
- offers: Access to lots of gov't databases, files, libraries, etc.
- -FDA BBS telnet fdabbs.fda.gov or telnet
- offers: News releases, AIDS info, vet. medicene news, etc. (Login: bbs)
- +GOP Online http://www.gop.org/
- offers: National, state, and local US Republican Information
- -Gov't Agencies/Depts http://www.law.vill.edu/fed-agency/fedwebloc.html
- offers: The Federal Web Locator. One stop point for federal gov't info.
- gopher wiretap.spies.com
- gopher aclu.org 6601 [American Civil Liberties Union]
- gopher stats.bls.gov [Bureau of Labor Statistics]
- gopher cpsc.gov [Consumer Product Safety Commission]
- http://www.dtic.dla.mil/defenselink/ [Dept. of Defense]
- http://www.eren.doe.gov/ [Department of Energy]
- gopher gopher.usdoj.gov [Department of Justice]
- gopher gopher.epa.gov [Environmental Protection Agency]
- gopher fcc.gov [Federal Communications Commission]
- gopher gopher.financenet.gov [FinanceNet]
- gopher gopher.gsa.gov [General Services Administration]
- gopher gopher.os.dhhs.gov [Health & Human Services]
- gopher gopher.hud.gov [Housing and Urban Development]
- gopher town.hall.org [Internet Town Hall/SEC EDGAR]
- gopher gopher.nara.gov [National Archives & Records]
- gopher ntiaunix1.ntia.doc.gov [Nat'l Info. Infrastrc.]
- gopher gopher.stat-usa.gov [National Trade Data Bank]
- http://www.osha.gov/ [Occupational Safety & Health Ad.]
- gopher quasar.tach.net [...also has OSHA information]
- gopher dewey.tis.inel.gov 2013 [Safety and Health]
- gopher gopher.ssa.gov [Social Security Gopher]
- -Iowa Polit. Stk Mkt telnet iem.biz.uiowa.edu or
- offers: Buy & sell shares in political candidates and other stuff.
- -Israel Info. Service gopher israel-info.gov.il
- offers: Latest developments in Israel, gov't info., peace relations, maps.
- -Legislative Info gopher gopher.legislate.com
- telnet thomas.loc.gov or (Login: thomas)
- offers: Info. about all 103rd Congress bills & resolutions, & Fed. Register
- -Libertarian Web http://w3.ag.uiuc.edu/liberty/libweb.html
- -Library of Congress telnet locis.loc.gov or telnet
- offers: Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS) Offers access
- to lib. of congress, legislative info, and copyright info.
- telnet/gopher marvel.loc.gov or telnet
- offers: LOC gopher, with access to lots of gov't docs. (Login: marvel)
- +Political Science http://www.trincoll.edu/pols/home.html
- offers: The Political Scientist's Guide to the Internet.
- -Project Vote Smart gopher gopher.neu.edu 1112
- offers: Enormous system of factual information on over 2,000 candidates.
- -State Info. Highway gopher info.texas.gov or gopher
- offers: Info. about Texas, but access to other state's information too!
- -Telecommunications telnet ntiabbs.ntia.doc.gov or telnet
- offers: National Telecommunications & Information Administration BBS.
- gopher bell.com
- gopher unix5.nysed.gov
- offers: Office of Telecommunications Policy Analysis and Development.
- -White House Releases mail Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org with the subject: Help
- http://sunsite.unc.edu/white-house/white-house.html
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/ [White House tour, etc]
- offers: Subscribe to White House press releases (news, speeches, etc.)
- -White House Summary mail almanac@esusda.gov (in msg: subscribe wh-summary)
- http://www.tamu.edu/whitehouse/ [Archives]
- offers: Daily mailing of summary of White House press releases.
- -Window on Gov't telnet window.texas.gov or telnet
- offers: Government-related info, and lots of info on state of Texas.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Ham Radio mail info@arrl.org / ftp oak.oakland.edu (pub/hamradio)
- http://www.acs.ncsu.edu:80/HamRadio/ [Radio WWW Server]
- offers: Ascii files about Amateur Radio and electronics. See also: Shortwave
- In Body of letter: help, info, send <filename> or quit (ie send prospect)
- -Ham Radio Callbooks telnet callsign.cs.buffalo.edu 2000 / 2000
- telnet ns.risc.net or (Login: hamradio)
- telnet pc.usl.edu 2000 or telnet 2000
- mail infobot@infomania.com with subject: #HELP
- offers: National ham radio call-sign callbook. (Also: Amateur Radio above)
- -History Databases telnet ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu or telnet
- offers: History databases (Login: history) and CIS info (Login: ex-ussr)
- ftp byrd.mu.wvnet.edu / ftp
- offers: Docs, archives, comprehensive history server.
- http://www.msstate.edu/Archives/History/index.html
- offers: The Historical Text Archive at Mississippi State University
- -Hobbies Index http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group12/hobbies.html
- -HP Calculator BBS telnet hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com or telnet
- offers: BBS for HP Calc. users, with chat mode. (Login: lynx)
- -Hytelnet Servers telnet access.usask.ca or telnet
- offers: univ. & library catalogues around the world. (Login: hytelnet)
- Recommended get client from: ftp ftp.usask.ca (cd /pub/hytelnet)
- -IEEE SPAsystem telnet stdsbbs.ieee.org or telnet
- offers: Standards Process Automation System. (Login: guest)
- -Internet Guides/Docs gopher una.hh.lib.umich.edu (Select: inetdirs)
- http://www.rpi.edu/Internet/Guides/decemj/text.html
- http://www.brandonu.ca/~ennsnr/resources.html
- -InterNIC telnet rs.internic.net or telnet
- offers: Gopher, WAIS, Whois, finger, TONS of Internet info, book orders, etc
- -IP Address Resolver mail resolve@cs.widener.edu
- mail dns@grasp.insa-lyon.fr (body of letter: help)
- usage: in body-of-letter: site <address here> Mails you IP address of site.
- *LAW--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -CALI gopher cali.kentlaw.edu
- offers: Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction
- -Law Servers telnet fatty.LAW.cornell.edu or telnet
- telnet gopher.LAW.csuohio.edu or telnet
- telnet lawlib.wuacc.edu or (Login: washlaw)
- gopher gopher.droit.umontreal.ca [Canadian]
- gopher gopher.usdoj.gov [U.S. Department of Justice]
- offers: Law info. via gopher. (Login: gopher)
- http://www.counsel.com/lawlinks [LAWlinks]
- http://virgo.gem.valpo.edu/~medic/law.html
- offers: Legal Resource Network, list of available resources.
- -Law Library telnet liberty.uc.wlu.edu or telnet
- ftp sulaw.law.su.oz.au (cd /pub/law)
- offers: Law libraries and legal research. (Login/password: lawlib)
- Offers copies of laws for each state/computer laws, and more!
- telnet lawlib.wuacc.edu or telnet
- offers: American Association of Law Libraries Info. System (Login: aallnet)
- -Law Resources List ftp ftp.midnight.com (get /pub/LegalList/legallist.txt)
- offers: List of law libraries, law mailing lists, and so on.
- -LawNet telnet lawnet.law.columbia.edu or telnet
- offers: Law/Judicial info and catalogs access. (Login: lawnet)
- -Legal Directory gopher or telnet
- offers: Biographical info. on over 500,000 attorneys & law firms in USA.
- -Practicing Attorneys http://users.aimnet.com/~ils/main.html
- offers: Resources for attorneys needed on a daily basis.
- -Supreme Court Rulings ftp ftp.cwru.edu
- offers: ASCII files of Supreme Court rulings in directory /hermes
- -WWW Law Servers telnet www.LAW.indiana.edu or telnet
- telnet fatty.LAW.cornell.edu or telnet
- telnet law.wuacc.edu [Law Library Reference Desk]
- offers: Hypertext access to legal documents (Login: www)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Library Services gopher tcsul.texshare.utexas.edu (select Lib. Services)
- offers: Comprehensive gopher of gov't services, lib. catalogs, etc.
- telnet alix.loc.gov 3001 or telnet 3001
- offers: ALIX: Automated Library Information Xchange.
- -LIBS telnet info.anu.edu.au or telnet
- telnet garam.kreonet.re.kr or (Login: nic)
- telnet cc.utah.edu or telnet
- offers: Access to nearly all online services seen in this list (Login: LIBS)
- -List of Lists ftp crvax.sri.com or ftp
- offers: List of interest groups/email lists in interest-groups.
- *LITERATURE/LANGUAGES/BOOKS---------------------------------------------------
- -Alex gopher gopher.ox.ac.uk or telnet rsl.ox.ac.uk
- offers: Catalogue of all texts (Select: World | Gopherspace | Alex)
- -Dartmouth Library telnet library.dartmouth.edu or
- offers: Divine Comedy and reviews. (connect dante)
- Read/Find passages in the King James Bible (select file bible)
- Read/Find passages in Shakespeare's plays (select file s plays)
- Read/Find passages in Shakespeare's sonnets (select file s sonnets)
- -French Lang/.Lit. http://tuna.uchicago.edu/ARTFL.html
- -Human-Languages Page http://www.willamette.edu/~tjones/Language-Page.html
- offers: German-to-English and vice-versa dictionary, Japanese lessons, etc
- -Leeds Db of Verse telnet bcmsv.leeds.ac.uk or telnet
- offers: Database of Eng. poetry in the 17/18th c. (Login/Password: bcmsv)
- -Online Book Initiat. ftp ftp.uu.net or file://ftp.std.com/obi
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/Web/books.html
- offers: Contains over two hundred authors' works. (cd doc/literary/obi)
- -Poetry Archives http://sunsite.unc.edu/dykki/poetry/home.html
- http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/Poetry.html
- http://www.cs.brown.edu:80/fun/bawp/
- -Project Gutenberg ftp mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu or ftp
- offers: Many books in print and almanac files. (cd pub/etext)
- -Science Fiction http://thule.mt.cs.cmu.edu:8001/sf-clearing-house/
- offers: Speculative Fiction Clearinghouse has pointers to sci-fi & fantasy
- -Virtual Lit. Library http://sunsite.unc.edu/ibic/IBIC-homepage.html
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *MATH-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -E-Math telnet e-math.ams.com or
- offers: Am. Math. Soc. bbs w/ software & reviews. (Login/Password: e-math)
- -GAMS telnet gams.nist.gov or telnet
- offers: NIST Guide to Available Mathematical Software. (Login: gams)
- -Math Answers mail dr.math@forum.swarthmore.edu
- offers: The 'Math Swat Team' will answer your K-12 math questions.
- -Math Gophers gopher archives.math.utk.edu
- offers: Math archives (software, teaching materials, other gophers)
- gopher gopher.maa.org [Math Assoc. of America]
- -Math Journals http://nyjm.albany.edu:8000/mathjours.html
- -Math Topics http://euclid.math.fsu.edu/Science/math.html
- http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/General.html
- -NetLib mail netlib@ornl.gov or mail netlib@uunet.uu.net
- offers: Math (usually Fortran) prgms via email Body-of-letter: send index
- -Sequence Server mail sequences@research.att.com
- say: lookup <sequence> Example: lookup 4 9 16 25 36
- -StatLib Server mail statlib@lib.stat.cmu.edu
- Mail with line: send index offers: Prgs, datasets, etc. for statisticians
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *MEDICAL/HEALTH---------------------------------------------------------------
- -AIDS Information gopher odie.niaid.nih.gov
- gopher cdcnac.aspensys.com 72 [AIDS Clearinghouse]
- gopher gopher.hivnet.org [HIVNET]
- See Also: FDA BBS, Health Gopher, Queer Resource Directory, CHAT.
- http://cornelius.ucsf.edu/~troyer/vanews/ [Newsletter]
- http://patents.cnidr.org/ [AIDS Patent Project]
- +http://www.teleport.com/~celinec/aids.htm [Resources]
- +http://aspin.asu.edu/~jvagner/aids
- offers: Rethinking AIDS Journal archives online.
- -Anesthesiology gopher eja.anes.hscsyr.edu
- gopher gasnet.med.nyu.edu [GASNET]
- offers: Lots of medical info, archives, and positions, neuroanesthesia.
- -Cancer Info. mail cancernet@icicb.nci.nih.gov
- offers: Cancer info. statements thru email. Body-of-letter: help or spanish
- gopher gopher.nih.gov (Health & Clinical Information/)
- telnet gopher gan.ncc.go.jp (Login: gopher)
- gopher cancer.med.upenn.edu [Oncology Resources]
- gopher nysernet.org [Breast Cancer ClearingHouse]
- telnet txcancer.mda.uth.tmc.edu or telnet
- offers: Texas Cancer Data Center. (Login: TCDC)
- -CHAT telnet debra.dgbt.doc.ca 3000 or 3000
- offers: Interactive AIDS & Epilepsy docs, simulated conversations.
- -Child Health Policy gopher Mchnet.ichp.ufl.edu
- offers: Health, nutrition, education, family issues, book reviews, etc.
- -Death gopher gopher.rivendell.org 9004 [GriefNet]
- offers: Death, Dying, Bereavement and Loss Resources
- http://www.islandnet.com/~deathnet [DeathNet]
- offers: Death, end of life issues, living wills, euthanasia, etc.
- -Diabetes Knowldgbase http://islet.medsch.wisc.edu/
- -Disability & Rehab. ftp handicap.shel.isc-br.com or ftp
- offers: anonymous ftp of software and medical info.
- gopher disserv.stu.umn.edu [Disability Gopher]
- gopher trace.waisman.wisc.edu
- offers: Great page of disability and rehab. info. (Select Other...)
- gopher vienna.hh.lib.umich.edu
- offers: Select Social Issues & Social Services, then Disability...
- gopher hawking.u.washington.edu
- offers: Access to the DO-IT Program, and Disability-Related Resources
- gopher val-dor.cc.buffalo.edu
- offers: CODI: Cornucopia of Disability Information
- gopher dixson.slnsw.gov.au [Deafness Resources]
- http://www.computel.com/deafworld/ [Deaf World Web]
- http://www.aip.org/aip/urls/disable.html
- offers: Resources for the Disabled
- -Drug Index (GenRx) http://www.icsi.net/GenRx.html [Physician's GenRx]
- -Health gopher/http healthline.umt.edu 700
- offers: Drug & alcohol info, sexuality/AIDS info, etc. (Login: health)
- http://tito.hyperlink.com/balance/
- offers: Balance is a monthly health, fitness and lifestyle magazine.
- gopher gopher.health.state.ny.us
- offers: Info. on communicable diseases, consumer health info., etc.
- offers: Public Health Information Guide, links to many health resources.
- http://cornelius.ucsf.edu/~troyer/safesex.html
- offers: The Safer Sex Page, answers to questions, important information.
- http://www.ihr.com/
- offers: Internet Health and Fitness Resources.
- -HSTAT telnet text.nlm.nih.gov or telnet
- offers: Health Services/Technology Assessment Text database (Login: hstat)
- -Homeopathy List http://www.dungeon.com/home/cam/interlst.html
- -HungerWeb http://www.hunger.brown.edu/hungerweb
- offers: devoted to hunger and poverty crises, and developing nations.
- -Interactive Patient http://medicus.marshall.edu/medicus.htm
- -Medical Gophers gopher gopher.med.harvard.edu
- offers: Links to literature, databases, images, library services, tools.
- gopher caldmed.med.miami.edu
- offers: Discipline and Disease Specific Sources...great library.
- -Medical Resources http://cancer.med.upenn.edu:3000/ [Health Newsletter]
- http://www.biostat.wisc.edu/homepage.html [InfoLink]
- -MEDIC http://hyrax.med.uth.tmc.edu/
- offers: Medical Education Information Center (MEDIC)
- -Nursing Gophers gopher nightingale.con.utk.edu
- gopher gopher.csv.warwick.ac.uk 10001
- offers: Nursing info on research, practice, education, publications, etc.
- -Pharmacy Resources
- http://pharminfo.com/ [PharmInfoNet]
- http://www.mcc.ac.uk/pharmacy/ [PharmWeb]
- -Radiology http://www.rad.washington.edu/
- offers: Access cases, online teaching modules, materials, and textbooks.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Military http://www.btg.com/janes/
- offers: Lookup aircraft and military technology from Jane's CD-ROM
- -Missing Children http://www.scubed.com:8001/public_service/missing.html
- http://www.gems.com/kids/index.html
- -Museums gopher ulkyvm.louisville.edu (Some Other... | Museums)
- gopher ucmp1.berkeley.edu [Museum of Paleontology]
- gopher gopher.exploratorium.edu [Explor. of Sci./Art]
- http://www.mos.org/ [Boston Museum of Science]
- http://www.exploratorium.edu/ [Exploraorium of Science]
- http://www.bvis.uic.edu/museum/ [Field Muse. of Chic.]
- http://sln.fi.edu/ [Franklin Institute Virtual Museum]
- http://www.kbt.com/gc [Grand Canyon Nat'l Park]
- http://www.macom.co.il/museum/index.html [Israel Muse.]
- http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ [London Museum of Nat. History]
- http://cmp1.ucr.edu/ [Museum of Photography]
- http://meteora.ucsd.edu:80/~norman/paris/ [Paris]
- http://turnpike.net/emporium/C/celestial/epsm.htm
- http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/scripts/JASON.html [Trips]
- http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/other/museums.html
- offers: The Virtual Library of museums.
- *MUSIC/SOUNDS-----------------------------------------------------------------
- -CD Databases/Clubs http://www.btg.com/~cknudsen/xmcd/query.html
- http://biogopher.wustl.edu:70/1/audio/bmg
- http://gemm.com/ or gopher/telnet gemm.com
- -Guitar Chords/TAB ftp ftp.nevada.edu or ftp
- offers: Tablature/Chords for guitar in /pub/guitar. Also at ftp.uu.net
- -Lyric/Music Server ftp ftp.uwp.edu or ftp ftp.sunet.se
- http://vivarin.pc.cc.cmu.edu/lyrics.html
- offers: Lyrics, chords/tablature, and music pictures. (/pub/music/...)
- -Musi-Cal http://calendar.com/concerts/
- offers: Music events calendar that lists concerts by location.
- -Music & Brain D-base telnet mila.ps.uci.edu or telnet
- offers: Research on music related to behavior.(Login: mbi Password: nammbi)
- -Music Library http://www.music.indiana.edu/
- -Music Newsletter mail listserv@vm.marist.edu (internet) or
- mail listserv@marist (bitnet)
- Body-of-letter: SUBSCRIBE upnews <your full name> offers: Reviews, intviews
- -Music on the Web http://www.art.net/Links/musicref.html [References]
- http://american.recordings.com/wwwofmusic/
- offers: WWW of Music, includes the Ultimate Band List
- -Music Reviews mail ringo@media.mit.edu with body of message: help
- http://jeeves.media.mit.edu/ringo/
- offers: Personal recommendations of musicians from other Internetters.
- -The Piano Page http://www.prairienet.org/arts/ptg/homepage.html
- -Sid's Music Server mail ssowder@copper.ucs.indiana.edu
- Subject: BOOTHELP offers: Lists of rare live recordings, cd's for sale.
- -Sound Databases http://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/multimed/sounds/
- http://www.nd.edu/StudentLinks/jkeating/links/sound.html
- http://www.aristosoft.com/ftp/Sounds/
- -Used Music Server mail used-music-server@wang.com w/ subject: help
- offers: Users can buy/sell/trade CDs/LPs/Tapes or subscribe to the list.
- -Virtual Radio http://www.microserve.net:80/vradio/
- offers: The latest in new music, downloadable in radio-quality format
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *NEWS-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -China News Digest gopher cnd.org
- -Daily Sources http://www.helsinki.fi/~lsaarine/news.html
- offers: Daily sources of business and economic news.
- http://ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu/carrie/news_main.html
- offers: Omnivore, pointers to daily news and information.
- -Electronic Journals gopher gopher.enews.com (Login: enews)
- offers: Access to MANY electronic journals (Select Elec. Serials)
- gopher mag-browse.com
- offers: Tables of Contents of 167 leading magazines.
- -Global Net. Navig. http://gnn.com/gnn.html
- offers: O'Reilly's GNN, accessable with URL above via Mosaic or Lynx.
- -International News http://www.cs.vu.nl/~gerben/news.html
- gopher ftp.voa.gov
- offers: CNN Headline News, European news and weather, Voice of America.
- gopher gopher.nstn.ca
- offers: CNN, Stock Reports, UPI Choose: Cybrary | Reading Room | Daily News
- -News Mail Servers mail news-group-name@cs.utexas.edu
- mail news-group-name@news.demon.co.uk
- mail news.group.name@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
- mail news.group.name@nic.funet.fi
- offers: Post to Usenet news via email (Note: not all newsgroups supported)
- mail listserv@blekul11.bitnet with body: /nnhelp
- offers: Read newsgroups via mail, it sends list of articles you can choose
- -Newspapers On-line telnet kanga.ins.cwru.edu or
- telnet yfn2.ysu.edu or (Login: visitor)
- offers: USA Today Headline News, Sports, etc. (Must be registered to use)
- http://sun.bucknell.edu/~boulter/crayon/
- http://sfgate.com/examiner/ [Electric Examiner]
- http://www.newslink.org/ [WWW NewsLink]
- http://www.nando.net/epage/htdocs/links/newspapers.html
- offers: Links to various on-line newspapers.
- -Russia/America News telnet solar.rtd.utk.edu or telnet
- offers: Provides news, weather, geog., etc for each nation. (Login: friends)
- -Time, Inc. http://www.timeinc.com/pathfinder/Greet.html
- offers: Articles from Time, Vibe, and Entertainment Weekly magazines.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Oracle mail oracle@cs.indiana.edu w/ subject: help
- offers: The Usenet Oracle answers all your questions!
- -Outdoors http://www.gorp.com/
- offers: Great Outdoor Recreation Pages
- *PARANORMAL/OCCULT/SPIRITUAL/ASTROLOGY----------------------------------------
- -Archive X http://www.declab.usu.edu:8080/X/
- offers: A series of Web pages devoted towards Paranormal Phenomena.
- -Astrology http://www.realitycom.com/cybstars/stars.html
- -AwareNET gopher awarenet.com
- offers: Sections on: Earth Changes, Edgar Cayce, UFOs, Spiritual Nature
- -UFO Archive http://www.iinet.net.au/~bertino/alien.html
- -SPIRIT-WWW http://zeta.cs.adfa.oz.au/Spirit.html
- offers: Sections on: UFOs, astrology, OBEs, yoga, channelings, and healing.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Personal Ads gopher personalsusa.com
- mail info@nook.com (auto-replies with instructions)
- http://www.apk.net/cupid/ [Cupid's Network]
- http://wwa.mall2000.com/ [Face to Face]
- http://www.match.com/ [match.com]
- http://wwa.com:1111/ [Virtual MeetMarket]
- http://www.public.com/personals/
- http://www.netmedia.com:80/date/ [Web Personals]
- offers: Classified personal ads for gay and straight community in the USA
- -Philosophy gopher apa.oxy.edu or gopher
- offers: American Philosophy Association's BBS for philosophers.
- http://power.stu.rpi.edu/~oms/org/ [Objectivism Guide]
- *PHYSICS----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Nuclear Data Center telnet bnlnd2.dne.bnl.gov or telnet
- offers: National nuclear data. (Login: nndc)
- -Particle Information http://pdg.lbl.gov/
- offers: Lookup information on any particle! (Login: pdg_public)
- telnet durpdg.dur.ac.uk or telnet
- offers: Data, listings, references. (Login: PDG Password: hepdata)
- http://physics7.berkeley.edu/home.html
- offers: Center for Particle Astrophysics
- -Physics http://www.pppl.gov/ [Plasma Physics Laboratory]
- gopher mentor.lanl.gov [Los Alamos]
- gopher granta.uchicago.edu
- gopher gopher.hep.net [High Energy Physics Center]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Psychology gopher panda1.uottawa.ca 4010
- gopher gopher.hanover.edu (Select: Public | APS Dir.)
- http://matia.stanford.edu/cogsci/ [Psychology Index]
- http://psy.ucsd.edu/otherpsy.html [Psych Pages]
- http://www.gasou.edu/psychweb/psychweb.htm [Psych Web]
- +http://mail.bcpl.lib.md.us/~sandyste/school_psych.html
- -Queer Resource Dir. gopher gopher.qrd.org or ftp ftp.qrd.org (/pub/README)
- offers: AIDS info/gay rights info. Home Page: http://www.qrd.org/QRD
- -Recipe Archives ftp gatekeeper.dec.com (cd pub/recipes)
- ftp mthvax.cs.miami.edu (cd pub/recipes)
- ftp ftp.neosoft.com (cd pub/rec.food/recipes)
- ftp cs.ubc.ca (cd pub/local/RECIPES)
- http://www-sc.ucssc.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/recipes/
- offers: Anonymous ftp site for MANY food recipes.
- *RELIGION---------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Anglicans Online http://infomatch.com/~haibeck/anglican.html
- -Atheism Web http://www.mantis.co.uk:80/atheism/
- -Baha'i Faith http://oneworld.wa.com/bahai/
- http://www.bcca.org/glittle
- -Chabad Lubavitch gopher lubavitch.chabad.org or gopher
- offers: Info on Jewish mysticism, the Moshiach, and so on
- -Christian Resources mail YellowPageDir@XC.org
- ftp iclnet93.iclnet.org
- offers: List of WWW, FTP, emails (/pub/resources/christian-resources.txt)
- http://www.ocf.org:80/OrthodoxPage/
- offers: The Orthodox Christian Page.
- -Gabriel's Horn telnet twinbrook.cis.uab.edu 7777 or 7777
- offers: Returns a Bible verse from the Old or New Testament
- -Jerusalem One Gopher gopher gopher.jer1.co.il
- offers: Electronic Jews library, info on Jewish orgs, travel, Israel info.
- -JewishNets telnet www.huji.ac.il or telnet
- gopher shamash.nysernet.org (This also is WWW address)
- http://sleepless.acm.uiuc.edu/signet/JHSI/judaism.html
- http://jewishnet.net/
- offers: WWW w/ info. on mailing lists, restaurants, etc. (Login: JEWISHNET)
- +Muslim http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/
- offers: Muslim Students Association Islamic Server
- -NY-Israel Gopher gopher israel.nysernet.org 71
- offers: Jewish libraries, lists, projects, holocaust info, etc.
- -Religion on the Web http://www.einet.net/galaxy/Community/Religion.html
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Science Pages http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/amasci.html
- http://www.hia.com/hia/pcr/ [Science Education Project]
- -Shortwave/Radio http://itre.uncecs.edu/radio/
- -Social Sciences http://ssdc.ucsd.edu/ [UCSD Data Collection]
- offers: A collection of large numeric datafiles & programs
- *SOFTWARE---------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Info/Software Server telnet rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de or
- offers: journals, unix stuff, recipes, online cookbook, etc. login: info
- -Software Server(ASK) telnet askhp.ask.uni-karlsruhe.de or
- offers: On-line software search. (Login/password: ask)
- -ZIB Electronic Libr. telnet elib.zib-berlin.de or telnet
- offers: Library of software, links to other libraries. (Login: elib)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *SPACE------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Astro-2 http://astro-2.msfc.nasa.gov
- offers: High-tech observatory flying for 16 days in the Space Shuttle
- -CASS gopher cass.jsc.nasa.gov or gopher
- offers: Center for Advanced Space Studies. Catalogs, images, newsletters.
- -EnviroNet telnet envnet.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet
- offers: Space environment resource. (Login: envnet Password: henniker)
- -Europe Space Agency telnet esrin.esa.it or telnet
- offers: Access ESA PID (Prototype Info Dir) & ESIS (Eur. Space Info System)
- -FIFE telnet pldsg3.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet
- offers: Science, etc. databases from satellites, etc. (Login: FIFEUSER)
- -NASA Headline News finger nasanews@space.mit.edu
- offers: Recent press releases from NASA. (See also: SpaceNews)
- -NASA SpaceLink gopher spacelink.msfc.nasa.gov or gopher
- offers: Latest NASA news, including shuttle launches and satellite updates.
- -NASDA telnet nsaeoc.eoc.nasda.go.jp or telnet
- offers: National Space Development Agency of Japan (Login: nasdadir)
- -NED telnet ned.ipac.caltech.edu or telnet
- offers: NASA Extragalactic Database. Bibbliographies, info. (Login: ned)
- -NODIS telnet nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet
- telnet nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet
- mail archives@ndadsa.gsfc.nasa.gov w/ Subject: HELP
- offers:Menu-driven access to Nat'l Space Science Data Center (Login: nodis)
- -SEDS Gopher/WWW telnet/gopher seds.lpl.arizona.edu or
- offers: Images, software, satellite elements, etc. (Login: gopher or www)
- -SEEB http://satori2.lerc.nasa.gov/
- offers: Space Environment Effects Branch
- -SETI http://www.seti-inst.edu/
- offers: Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.
- -SDDAS telnet geordi.space.swri.edu or
- offers: SW Research Data Disp. & Analyis (Login: sddas Password: !sddas*)
- -Shuttle Payloads Prg gopher sspp.gsfc.nasa.gov
- offers: Information and images on shuttle small payloads programs.
- -SpaceNews finger magliaco@pilot.njin.net
- offers: Weekly publication of space news. (See also: Nasa Headline News)
- -STInfo telnet stinfo.hq.eso.org Also: gopher stsci.edu
- offers: Reports about Hubble Telescope, press releases (Login: stinfo)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *SPORTS/RECREATION------------------------------------------------------------
- -Baseball Servers ftp etext.archive.umich.edu (cd pub/Sports/Baseball)
- http://www.nando.net/baseball/bbmain.html
- http://www2.pcy.mci.net/mlb/index.html [@Bat]
- offers: Weekly updates of stats and archives of rec.sport.baseball.
- -Basketball Servers http://www.netgen.com/sis/NBA/NBA.html
- -Biking gopher cycling.org / gopher [Cycling Gopher]
- http://xenon.stanford.edu/~rsf/mtn-bike.html
- offers: WWW page on Mountain Biking, info on trails, lists, shows.
- -Collegiate Nicknames http://www.vaxu.org/college
- -Fishing http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~jsuchosk/fish/fishpage
- -Football ftp ftp.vnet.net (cd /pub/football)
- offers: Info on arena, fantasy, pro, software for football fans.
- http://www.netgen.com/sis/NFL/NFL.html
- offers: Pro football server, with schedules, draft info, super bowl info.
- http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~chiefs/nflstat.html
- offers: Weekly schedules, team-by-team information.
- http://www.math.ufl.edu/~mitgardt/rsfc.html
- offers: College Football server
- -Gymnastics http://rainbow.rmii.com/~rachele/gymnhome.html
- -Hockey http://terrapin.umd.edu/nhl.html [NHL Page]
- http://www.netgen.com/sis/NHL/NHL.html [NHL Server]
- http://maxwell.uhh.hawaii.edu/hockey/hockey.html
- -Olympics http://www.linc.or.jp/Nagano/index.html [1998 Olympics]
- http://www.mindspring.com/~royal/olympic.html [1996]
- http://www.sun.com/OL/OL94-mirror.html [1994 Olympics]
- -Paddling Sports http://www.recreation.com/paddling/
- http://salk.edu/~preston/kayak/
- offers: Info on canoeing, kayaking, and rafting.
- -Running http://sunsite.unc.edu/drears/running/running.html
- +http://www.cris.com/~thompete/tri-drs/tridrs.shtml
- offers: Races, marathons, training tips, magazines, clubs, etc.
- -Sailing http://community.bellcore.com/mbr/sailing-page.html
- offers: FAQs, movies, mailing lists, sailing opportunities, texts, museums
- http://www.ac95.org/ [America's Cup '95]
- -Scores/Standings finger robc@xmission.com [Baseball/Football]
- finger jtchern@headcrash.berkeley.edu [Baseball]
- offers: Baseball, football scores, standings, and next week's schedule.
- -Skateboarding http://skateboard.com
- http://www.enternet.com/skate/skate.html
- http://www.cps.msu.edu/~dunhamda/dw/dansworld.html
- http://xx.acs.appstate.edu/~jh13875/skate.html
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~huphtur
- http://er3.rutgers.edu:8001
- http://monet.ccs.itd.umich.edu/~wdean/wes.html
- http://www.state51.co.uk/state51/knowhere/skindex.html
- http://www.ecf.toronto.edu/ecf/staff/steve/sk8.html
- -Skiing http://diamond.sierra.net:80/SkiWeb/
- -Skydiving http://www.cis.ufl.edu/skydive/
- -Soccer http://www.atm.ch.cam.ac.uk/sports/
- -Sports on the Web http://tns-www.lcs.mit.edu/vs/vssportsbrowser.html
- http://www.mit.edu:8001/services/sis/sports.html
- http://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/gate/sports.html
- http://sfgate.com/sports/
- http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group12/title.html
- http://espnet.sportszone.com/ [ESPNET SportsZone]
- http://www.sportsline.com/ [SportsLine USA]
- -Sports Schedules NBA:telnet culine.colorado.edu 859 / 859
- NHL: telnet culine.colorado.edu 860 / 860
- MLB: telnet culine.colorado.edu 862 / 862
- NFL: telnet culine.colorado.edu 863 / 863
- finger copi@oddjob.uchicago.edu for sports schedules
- offers: Schedules on-line. 'help' for help, 'return' for today's games
- -Stadiums & Arenas http://www.wwcd.com/
- -Surfing http://sailfish.peregrine.com/surf/surf.html
- -Tennis http://arganet.tenagra.com/Racquet_Workshop/Tennis.html
- +http://www.tenniscountry.com/ [Tennis Country]
- http://www.xmission.com/~gastown/tennis/ [Tennis World]
- -Volleyball http://www.cup.hp.com/~vball/
- -Weightlifting http://www.cs.odu.edu/~ksw/weights.html
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *TELEVISION and MOVIES/TV and MOTION PICTURES---------------------------------
- -Hollyweb http://www.ingress.com/users/spease/hw/hollyweb.html
- offers: Studio briefings, this week's box office, movie/video reviews
- -Movie Databases mail movie@ibmpcug.co.uk with "HELP" in body of message
- http://alpha.acast.nova.edu/movies.html
- http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/Movies/moviequery.html
- offers: Info on actors, directors, movies, etc.
- -Movie Reviews gopher ashpool.micro.umn.edu (Select: Fun | Movies)
- http://sfgate.com/~sfchron/movies/videoguide.html
- offers: Reviews for current video releases.
- -Movie/TV Studios http://www.disney.com/ [Buena Vista Pictures]
- offers: View Disney, Touchstone, and Hollywood pictures movie previews.
- http://www.paramount.com/ [Star Trek/Paramount]
- http://www.mca.com/ [MCA/Universal Studios]
- http://www.cbs.com/ [CBS' Eye on the Net]
- -Nielsen TV Ratings gopher gopher.doc.ic.ac.uk
- Select: media | tv | collections | tardis | lists | nielsens | current
- -Satellite TV Info http://xan.esrin.esa.it:2602/satellite.html
- offers: European satellite info (charts, guides, channels)
- http://itre.uncecs.edu/misc/images/images
- offers: Random satellite tv images. Very interesting.
- -Theatre http://www.thegroup.net/diana.htm [Theatre Reviews]
- http://www.fsz.bme.hu/opera/main.html [Opera Server]
- http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group4/theatre.html
- offers: The Home Page of Theatre, links to many theatre places
- http://www.teleport.com/~cdeemer/scrwriter.html
- http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~rknop/dramex.html
- offers: Pages for playwrights and screenwriters.
- -TV & Movie FTP Site ftp quartz.rutgers.edu (cd /pub/tv+movies)
- -TV Guides http://www.tvnet.com/ITVG/itvg.html [TV Index]
- http://www.tvnet.com/UTVL/utvl.html [Ultimate TV List]
- http://metaverse.com/vibe/tvtonite/tonite.html
- mail circulation@paperboy.com
- offers: write: subscribe <your_time_zone> and receive TV guides in email.
- -TV News Archive gopher tvnews.vanderbilt.edu
- -TV Net http://tvnet.com/TVnet.html
- offers: Retrieve info on cable and TV stations worldwide
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *TRAVEL-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -City.Net http://www.city.net/
- offers: Info. on cities from around the world.
- -Roadside America http://www.wired.com/
- offers: US travelers upload results to WWW.
- -Subway Navigator telnet/http metro.jussieu.fr 10000
- offers: Search subway routes of major cities, in French or English.
- -Traffic Watch http://www.scubed.com:8001/caltrans/watch.html
- offers: Real-time traffic information for San Diego, CA, & USA freeways.
- -Train Schedules gopher gwis.circ.gwu.edu (Select: General | Train...)
- offers: Current Amtrak train schedules for U.S.
- http://www.viarail.ca/
- offers: Canadian Railway Information
- http://rzstud1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/~ule3/info-trn.html
- offers: Timetables to German railway stations & 4,000 other European cities
- http://www.mcs.net/~dsdawdy/cyberoad.html
- offers: Cyberspace World Railroad Page, with Chicago Metra timetables, etc
- gopher gopher.cam.ac.uk
- offers: British Rail timetables (Select: Misc | British Rail...)
- -Travel Info. Library ftp ftp.cc.umanitoba.ca or ftp
- http://www.digimark.net/rec-travel/
- offers: Travelogues, guides, FAQs. cd to the directory "rec-travel"
- -TravelWebs http://www.travelweb.com/
- offers: Trip-planning information and hotel reservations.
- http://travel.gpnet.com [Going Places]
- +http://www.lonelyplanet.com.au/ [Lonely Planet Travel]
- +http://wings.buffalo.edu/world [Virtual Tourist]
- -Virtual Chevrolet http://www.std.com/NE/usatour.html
- offers: See the USA in your virtual chevrolet!
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -UNC BBS telnet launchpad.unc.edu or telnet
- offers: Usenet News, Lib. of Congress, nationwide libs. (Login: launch)
- +UPS Parcel Service http://www.ups.com/
- offers: United Parcel Service package tracking, etc.
- *USER LOOKUP SERVICES/WHOIS SERVICES------------------------------------------
- -Mail Srvr/Usr Lookup mail mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
- in body of mail message: send usenet-addresses/[name searching for]
- -Netfind User Lookup telnet bruno.cs.colorado.edu or telnet
- telnet cobber.cord.edu or telnet
- telnet pascal.sjsu.edu or telnet
- telnet mudhoney.micro.umn.edu or telnet
- telnet redmont.cis.uab.edu or telnet
- telnet ds.internic.net or telnet
- telnet netfind.oc.com or telnet
- telnet archie.au or telnet
- telnet netfind.anu.edu.au or telnet
- telnet netfind.if.usp.br or telnet
- telnet netfind.ee.mcgill.ca or
- telnet malloco.ing.puc.cl or telnet
- telnet netfind.vslib.cz or telnet
- telnet nic.nm.kr or telnet
- telnet lincoln.technet.sg or telnet
- telnet nic.uakom.sk or telnet
- telnet monolith.cc.ic.ac.uk or telnet
- telnet lust.mrrl.lut.ac.uk or telnet
- telnet dino.conicit.ve or telnet
- offers: Given a name and org./school, finds a user for you (login: netfind)
- -Whois Services telnet rs.internic.net or telnet
- mail service@rs.internic.net (w/ subject: help OR
- send RFC-xxxx.TXT, with xxxx being the RFC number)
- telnet info.cnri.reston.va.us 185 (Knowbot Info Serv.)
- telnet garam.kreonet.re.kr or (Login: nic)
- telnet paradise.ulcc.ac.uk or (Login: dua)
- ftp sipb.mit.edu (pub/whois/whois-servers.list)
- offers: Way to find internet address given a keyword. To access type: whois
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -UUCP map entries by mail: mail dns@grasp.insa-lyon.fr (body: help)
- usage: in body-of-letter: uucp uucp_site Mails you UUCP map entry
- -WAIStation telnet quake.think.com or telnet
- telnet wais.com or telnet
- telnet swais.cwis.uci.edu or
- telnet sunsite.unc.edu or telnet
- telnet info.funet.fi or (Login: info)
- telnet wais.nis.garr.it or (Login: wais)
- offers: Wide Area Info. Service. (Login: swais)
- *WEATHER/ATMOSPHERIC/OCEANIC--------------------------------------------------
- -Auroral/Solar Report finger aurora@solar.uleth.ca
- finger solar@solar.uleth.ca
- finger daily@solar.uleth.ca
- offers: Auroral activity warnings/watches/sightings, updated hourly.
- Solar = 3-Hourly solar & Geophysical report, daily is the daily one
- -Avalanche Forecast mail snowfall@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk with a blank message
- -Emergency Info. telnet oes1.oes.ca.gov 5501 or 5501
- offers: State of Cali. - Governor's Office of Emergency Services
- gopher vita.org
- offers: Disaster Information Center with disaster reports and data.
- gopher hoshi.cic.sfu.ca 5555
- offers: Emergency Preparedness Information eXchange
- -Flood Gopher/Info gopher cesgopher.ag.uiuc.edu
- telnet exnet.iastate.edu or telnet
- offers: Tons of files for coping with floods and hurricanes. (Login: flood)
- -NOAA gopher gopher.esdim.noaa.gov or telnet
- offers: Nat'l Oceanic and Atmos. Admin. Lots of data!
- -Oceanography gopher gopher.cms.udel.edu or http://www.cms.udel.edu/
- offers: OCEANIC Information Center
- http://www.whoi.edu/html/www-servers/oceanography.html
- offers: Index to oceanography WWW servers.
- http://kingfish.ssp.nmfs.gov/home-page.html
- offers: National Marine Fisheries Service
- -Tropicl Strm Forecst finger forecast@typhoon.atmos.colostate.edu
- offers: Seasonal forecast for Atl. Ocn. Also: finger forecast@
- -Weather Services telnet downwind.sprl.umich.edu 3000 or
- http://www.weather.net/ [Freese-Notis Weather Page]
- offers: Commodities trade reports as related to weather
- http://www.mit.edu:8001/usa.html [WWW Weather Map]
- http://cirrus.sprl.umich.edu/wxnet/ [WeatherNet]
- http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/ferret/main-menu.html
- offers: Live access to climate data
- mail infobot@infomania.com with subject: #HELP
- offers: City/State forecasts, ski conditions, earthquake reports, etc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Women's Studies/Rsrcs gopher peg.cwis.uci.edu 7000 (Choose Women's Studies..)
- gopher path.net 8101 [Women's Wire]
- gopher gopher.weq.gov.bc.ca [Women's Equality Gopher]
- http://www.clark.net/pub/s-gray/feminist.html
- offers: Web site offering Feminist Activist Resources on the Net
- http://www.vix.com/menmag/ [M.E.N. Magazine]
- http://www.voiceofwomen.com/ [Voices of Women]
- -World-Wide Web mail listserv@mail.w3.org with body: help
- offers: Mail access to the WWW!
- http://turnpike.net/metro/mirsky/Worst.html
- offers: Worst of the Web
- http://www.charm.net/~web/Vlib.html
- offers: How to develop WWW pages, setting up servers, evolution of WWW.
- http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~banister/submit-it/
- offers: Submit It! Submit your web site to all the major WWW links.
- www.yahoo.com
- offers: Yahoo's List, the most comprehensive WWW list.
- http://www.stpt.com/
- offers: Starting Point for WWW exploration.
- +http://www.intbc.com/sleuth/
- offers: The Internet Sleuth is a collection of over 450 searchable indexes
- Recommended get Lynx client from: ftp ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu (/pub/WWW/lynx)
- Recommended get Mosaic client from: ftp ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu (cd Mosaic)
- Recommended get NetScape client from: ftp.mcom.com (cd /netscape)
- NOTE: FOR FTP SITES, LOGIN AS anonymous, password is your email address.
- * (C) Copyright 1995 Scott Yanoff. No CHANGES are to be made to this document
- without the author's written consent. Reproduction/distribution without my
- permission IS ALLOWABLE so long as it is for NON-PROFIT purposes.
- --
- _/\ _ !\ _ @ Milwaukee, WI - A Great Place On a Great Lake
- ! _! !! ! !_ ~~ @ ~ ~~
- ! ! ! !! ! ! !~~__=||_~ ~~~
- ! ! ! _! ! ~~~ ~\____/ ~~~ yanoff@csd.uwm.edu